Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (2024)

By Sheila Stogsdill

  • August 4, 2024
  • 4:35 pm CDT
Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (1)

The lavish lifestyle of a North Carolina megachurch pastor, including a $2.8 million dollar home and a $1.3 million alimony agreement, has been revealed in recently filed divorce papers.

The pastor, Gilbert Andre Thompson, Jr., who pastors the 15,000-member World Overcomers Christian Church in Durham, N.C., was granted an “absolute” divorce on July 1 from his wife of 33 years, Dequilla LaShawn. Thompson, also known as “Pastor Andy,” filed for the divorce on June 10.

The two-page divorce decree showed the couple were legally separated in March 2023. An “absolute” divorce is granted after a couple have been separated for at least a year and a day, according to a North Carolina government website.

Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (2)

The $1.3 million alimony payment is broken down to $12,000 a month for nine years, according to the settlement agreement and property settlement.

A woman who identified herself as a church employee who oversees media inquiries politely hung up the phone when questioned about the Thompson’s divorce.

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The property agreement spells out Pastor Andy Thompson will assume the couple’s 58 acres in Lolly Lane, in Mebane, N.C. which is located to the north of their current home.

Public records show the Thompsons’ residence is a 14,000-square foot, four-bedroom six-bathroom house in Mebane, North Carolina. According to published real estate records, the home is equipped with a gym, theatre seating, an infinity pool, and a hot tub. The house is worth $2.8 million, according to Zillow.

North Carolina land records show World Overcomers Christian bought the Thompson’s residence from 2020 properties LLC in 2018 for $1.53 million. The church turned around and deeded it over to another non-profit organization, Restore Community Development, in 2021. Land records show no money was exchanged in this transaction.

Land records show Restore Community Development is not utilizing the exemption status of a non-profit organization’s parsonage.

When the 58-acreage is sold, Dequilla Thompson will receive only $50,000, according to the property agreement.

Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (3)

The agreement also granted Dequilla Thompson the couple’s modest rental house, a 1,600 square foot house, estimated around $154,000 in Rocky Mount, NC.

As part of the agreement, Andy Thompson assumed a $25,602 IRS debt.

His four adult children’s automobiles are in his name, including a 2021 Kia Forte, 2024 Kia Seltos, a 2016 Jeep Cherokee and a 2013 Cadillac STS. He was also responsible for payments and expenses associated with the Forte, Seltos and the Cherokee and his personal vehicle, a Ford F-150, while Dequilla Thomson was awarded a 2010 Kia Soul.

Dequilla Thompson retained control of her business, Projects of Home Inc., and Andy Thompson retained control of his business Thompson Communications Group, LLC.

Touted on Pastor Thompson’s personal website as marriage counselors, Andy and Lashawn Thompson advertised the “wisdom and knowledge” that “helped them retain ‘Real Love’ for nearly 30 years.” In a July 28 sermon, a wedding ring was not visible on Thompson’s left hand.

Andy Thompson has authored two books — “Real Love Dating” and “Real Love Marriage,” according to his website.

Overcomers Christian Church was established in 2003 and boasts it “is one of the fastest growing churches in America. Its website also claims that God is using Andy Thompson “to impact over 1 million people each week through his innovative, in your face, faith filled television program called ‘The Truth.’”

Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (4)

The church’s website doesn’t identify with a denomination or organization affiliation but does say Thompson established the Overcomers Christian Church fellowship of pastors and church leaders.

“Pastor Andy realized a need for pastors and leaders to be pastored. OCF is a place where pastors and leaders can come receive insight, fellowship with other leaders and be ministered to,” according to the website.

Court records show two negligence lawsuits, a contract dispute, and one complaint involving a minor, was filed against the church and Pastor Thompson since 2017.

Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (5)

Sheila Stogsdill is a freelance print journalist anddigital reporter, primarily covering crime issues for KSN/KODE.



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23 Responses

  1. It was him and the pastor from Newhope church in Durham. They had two large churches. They both lived lavished lives. Both are now divorced. But you only report on him! Such a shame!


  2. Mrs Thompson deserves very much more from that separation of assets. Where is the equity of time?


  3. It would seem that if called any man called to preach, that man is pastored by God. If they need earthly advice or counseling it should come from the man that pastored him before he was called by God to preach the gospel.


    1. Can you explain a little more what you mean by “pastored by God”?


  4. If a pastor and wife have that kind of money, they need to be helping the needy. The homeless and homeless veterans. Where is their compassion? That is a problem with some Christians they think only of them selves and what they want. What about all the single mothers that struggle to put food on the table!!!! We are supposed to love and show love .


  5. Pastors are the Shepherds of Gods people, therefore having a great responsibilities. They become discouraged just as we become discouraged. While yet their spiritual warfare is also much greater than ours. We pray for ourselves, friends, family let us not forget to pray for our church leadership 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


    1. Where does it say in Scripture that a “pastor’s” spiritual battle is “greater” than ours???
      That’s simply false.
      Also, their role as defined today did not exist in the early church.


    2. Sounds like there might not be a lot of shepherding going on. hope I’m wrong but his God might be riches. This just doesn’t look good for the Christian church.


      1. So are you saying you have a mind of proverty. I thought the goal was to live a comfortable life and an inheritance for your children. But of course we were taught by the other folks to wait until we arrived bodiless in heaven. I would pay to see you driving your new car in heaven.


      2. You make a very good point, Wilma….


  6. “The Thompson were married for 33 yrs, and joined in marriage before God. It’s very clear that greed was driven by this leader, I speak leader because a pastor doesn’t lose his way,not when he’s following God. If Mr. Thompson was any kind of a man or a man of God, he wouldn’t have short change his wife after leaving the marriage. So that’s all she was worth of 33yrs, 50,000 and a condo worth 154,000. And the church Thompson founded got the martial property worth millions. 👀”Are these members blind or stupid enough not to see through this con artist.” So Mr. Thompson used the church to take the house from his wife, without paying Mrs. Thompson a dime Wow, remember people no money was exchanged. But the church owned the property now.👀🤔


    1. $1.3M….$12,000 a month in alimony. Is that what you consider not paying a dime?


    2. She’s also getting 1.3 mil in alimony , 12 ,000 per month for 9 years.


  7. I am so sorry to hear of Thompsons’ getting a divorce. It’s so sad that they let the enemy come into their marriage after all these years. As a man and woman of God, they didn’t follow the holy scriptures and let God be the head of their marriage. They took their eyes off God and fell in love with the things of this world. God gave instructions for marriage, but the leaned on their own understanding and got lead astray from each other. I pray they ask God for forgiveness and follow His Holy Scriptures for divorce. Rom.7:2-3, Luke 16:18, 1 Cor. 7:39-40, Matt.19:8-9, Mal.2:15-16, 1Cor.7:10-17


  8. Are there any GOD fearing mega pastors? Seems like when the tithes and offerings start piling up the pastors, their marriages and their kids start failing to sin. Is it because of the money and fame? Or, did GOD truly call them to preach HIS gospel?

    For those of you that don’t know this fact. Pastor Andy is Best Friends with Chris Hill who divorced his wife and married his spiritual goddaughter. Just let that sink in.


    1. John,

      Charles Spurgeon could be considered a mega pastor back in the day. I suspect he was God-fearing. So there is at least one.


  9. I didn’t know the terminology back then but I was GROOMED by another married minister at WO 15 or so years ago; he wanted to meet me at a hotel which I secured, but the next day I couldn’t go through with it and I told him to leave me alone…a few weeks later, the minister showed up at my house unannounced and did what he said; I never should have opened the door. I served in the church too and some time later, I came forward to confess this to PASTOR ANDY and he told me I should have taken this secret to the grave. He shamed me, laughed at me and made me believe it was my fault.

    There was a cycle of this type of thing happening with many of the ministers and women at WO: the men were as Eli’s sons and PA made the women seem like they were seducers!!!

    When I attended WO, PA had a BMW and lived in Chapel Hill. Nothing wrong with pastors having a BMW or a nice house, but this article doesn’t even scratch the surface of whatever else they’re hiding. This is all so grieving. Praying their church gets answers and healing.


  10. Celebratize yourself. Establish a cult of personality. Celebrity status established. Write books. Make money. Bigger congregation results in bigger salary. Make more money. Non-profit status means even more money. This is the business methodology of the industrial church complex. Biblical justification for personal riches has successfully convinced congregations that this is the goal to be achieved, but they must give to receive and the more they give, the bigger God’s financial blessing to them. This cycle and business model is not stopping anytime soon. It is rampant. I cannot think of a nationally known pastor or evangelist who has not hoarded in excess more than what was needed to be comfortable. Am I missing something? Is this God’s way???


  11. People, Let their business be left alone. Nobody really knows what was going on in their life and house. It’s about his story, her story, and the truth. Leave it alone.


  12. Speaking as a pastor and leader who just celebrated 59 years of marriage, sin can have such an insidious way of creeping in. Money, sex, and power are heady pleasures and intoxicating to the flesh…but, are they worth exchanging for Eternal Life?


  13. The devil pays his minions very well in this life and sadly, there are many who choose that path b/c of it. “Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.” Prov. 4:23 NIV
    How many we see here in these reports who will hear these words from Christ Jesus, “Depart, I never knew you.”


  14. Me: Pastor (small church, ordained), former Bible teacher at CC affiliated church Bible College, CC Bible College grad (3 years, certificated), Bible student for 50 years, married to same women for over 50 years, attended CC Costa Mesa for decades. The problem for most churches (including CCs) is the false teachings that enrich pastors. Tithing (“you must give 10% of your weekly income to our church) is the main one. Many solid Bible teachers have been warning the church for YEARS that God is against this un-biblical practice. Dave Hunt is one such person, as well as the late J.V. McGee. Yet man-called “pastors” have been beating the sheep with this lie. And to politely correct the author, with all due respect, many CC do mandate Tithing. The second problem is “nepotism”. Note: we know of some CCs that do NOT teach tithing or practice nepotism, but they are hard to come by. (Our small fellowship is one, CC Pasadena CA is another, as well as CC Winnetka CA…soon to be CC West Valley).


  15. I don’t understand how she got so little after over 30 years with this man. He is worth hundreds of millions so $12,000.00/month is like $12.00/month to him and why only for 9 years. She also gets to keep the 1600 sq ft house and the 13 year old car while he can maintain the mansion, cars and other properties. This poor lady must have had the worse divorce lawyer in the world or none at all to settle for such a paltry sum. It’s really sad and if I were a member of his church that would be it for me because clearly he is not a just and fair man and no way is he a true man of God. He will be in the news again soon with the younger version of his wife and his new family, just wait and see! I just hate she is being treated and cheated like this.


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Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (9)

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Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor (2024)


Divorce Documents Reveal Lavish Lifestyle of NC Megachurch Pastor? ›

Lavish Lifestyle and Divorce Details:

What percentage of pastors get divorced? ›

50% of pastors' marriages end in divorce. 70% of pastors continually battle depression. 80% of pastors and 85% of their spouses feel discouraged in their roles.

Is it right for a pastor to divorce his wife? ›

From the very beginning, God emphasized the sacredness of marriage and the family. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches about the importance of marriage and lifelong commitment: “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:6).

Which church has the highest divorce rate? ›

Religious Demographics of Divorce in the United States
  • Divorce rates in the United States have fluctuated over the years, but they remain relatively high compared to some other countries. ...
  • Protestant Christians 51%
  • Catholics 19%
  • Jewish 9%
  • Mormon 7%
  • Muslims 8%
  • Hindus 5%
  • Buddhists 10%
Jan 31, 2024

How many wives can a pastor have? ›

Three passages in the pastoral epistles (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12 and Titus 1:6) state that church leaders should be the "husband of one wife." This has been read by some Christian denominations as a prohibition of polygamy. Others argue that polygamy is allowed, but not for church leaders.

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In regards to the latter, the answer ought to be an unequivocal yes. Any believer who has fallen morally, pastor or not, ought to be fully restored to the Christian community, given their repentance and the restoration process of their church. This is why we must be careful with our criticism as well.

What disqualifies a pastor from ministry? ›

If a pastor falls into immorality, he's disqualified from pastoral ministry. As he resigns from his church, there needs to be a full confession of the sin he has fallen into.

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Such a process of selection, approval and installation of pastors and deacons should always be done with the most Christ-like care and biblical-minded consideration. Regarding divorce, evidence suggests no reason to disqualify a divorced man from service on the ground of his divorce alone.

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Recent surveys and studies suggest that approximately 20 to 25 percent of Christian marriages end in divorce, with higher percentages reported among millennials and younger generations of believers.

How many pastors are leaving the church? ›

Pastoral turnover is nothing new. In fact, some experts estimate the average length of a pastor's tenure in America is 2.5 years. The reasons are many, but it's not surprising that as many as 20 percent of the pastors who lead their churches through building programs will leave within two years after their completion.

What percent of LDS people get divorced? ›

While the national surveys did not measure LDS temple marriages as opposed to civil unions, he said for couples who "both attend church regularly, the lifetime divorce rate is about 25 to 30 percent."

What are the statistics of pastors? ›

50% of pastors are age 56 and above. 2022 stats reveal a rise from 38% to 42%. 85% of pastors believe the mission of the church is to reach the lost, only 42% of practicing Christians do. 84% of pastors feel they are on call 24/7.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.